You Muslims !
Where did the Shiites come from and did they exist during the days of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ..?
What do you know about Shea's religion
After all this, there is no doubt that those who believe these beliefs are infidel. "We say we do not talk about individuals at all, but we say, as the imams of the Muslims said, who believes these beliefs is an infidel." Praise be to Allaah. We praise him and seek him and seek forgiveness from him. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and from the evil of our actions. The best of words is the word of Allah and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad peace be upon him and his family and peace and that the evil things are updated and every innovation is heresy and every heresy is a misguidance and every misguidance In the fire my brother 's forerunner to this subject should know that the talk here is for But the subject is much greater than this. We want to talk about Shiism as a Shi'a. We do not want to talk about Shiites as individuals and the subject of individuals. This is not his field, but rather it is about the Shiites. The area is to speak in the Shiism itself, not in individuals who belong to this sect or religion or this religion, but we speak as I said about the origin of this religion or the origin of this Shi'a Imam of the Shiites: - are those who say Imam Ali bin Abi Talib - may Allah be pleased with him - After the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family and directly without separation and see that a A succession of Baker raped as well as the act of Omar and Osman. And the companions of the Shiites in two parts: Section I: Abu Bakr, Omar and Osman agreed to reap them Ali and these are the majority of companions. The second section: Those who did not like this and they broke that and they saw that Abu Bakr, Omar and Osman had usurped the caliphate from Ali and the caliphate of Ali, and these Shiites have differed in numbers or their names, but they agreed on three of them, Salman al-Farsi - may Allah be pleased with him, Black - may Allah be pleased with him, and Abu Dhar al-Ghafari - may Allah be pleased with him. In some accounts, the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used only three. They mentioned these three and then excluded Ammar ibn Yasir and some of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them all). . If the Shi'ites are the ones who say that Imam Ali bin Abi Talib after the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him without virtue, but then differed strongly in the imamate after the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him after they agreed on - Ali ibn Abi Talib - differed after Ali and after Hussein And after Jaafar very different, as well as after Al-Hasan al-Askari, and it is also famous that they are almost after each imam disagree, but these are the biggest differences that occurred between the Shiites immediately after Ali because some Shiites said that Alia did not die and Alia remained - may Allah be pleased with him - did not say Imam Imam Hassan bin Ali Ali - may Allah be pleased with him - but their audience went to Imam Hassan b And Ali bin Abi Talib and after Hassan and agreed on the Hussein and after Hussein also disagreed and some of them said that the Imamate ended at the Hussein and some said Imam Imam Muhammad bin Hanafiya any after they said Imam Muhammad bin Ali and then after Muhammad said Imam Jafar but after Jaafar disagreed, some of them said Imam Musa They are the majority of Shiites and the most important of those who are said to be the Imam of Isma'il ibn Jaafar and the group of Shiites who are called Isma'iliyya. They also differed after al-Hasan al-Askari, who said that al-Hasan ibn Ali al-Hadi differed in the imamate after him. Some of them said that the imam stood in front of them and some of them said that Imam al-Mutawar was the son of al-Hasan al-Askari. Some of them said that he was the imam of his brother Jaafar. On fourteen bands, this is only after Hassan. The story of the awaited among the Shiites exists in the enough that denies this, which denies the existence of the awaited, this book Alkafi of the Shiites taken from this novel says this novel, that he was asked a man of the Asharqis Abu Bakr said what news of his brother Jaafar Jafar Jahfar brother of al-Askari and said Jafar asked about the experience or It was narrated by al-Hasan that he sent to my father that the son of al-Rida had gone up and ran from his watch. Then he went to the house of the caliphate and then came back hurriedly and with him five of them. The Amir of the Faithful served all of them in a culture and his own people were liberated Zum Dar al-Hasan and know the experience and the situation and sent to the descendants of the patient ordered him to differ and vowed to the morning and evening to say and searched the stone and seal all what and asked for the impact of his son and came to know women pregnancy, we went to his neighbors look at them Some of them said that there is a pregnancy carried in a room and wok He then buried his face and ordered to carry it. He carried it from the middle of his house and he was buried in the house where his father was buried. When he was buried, he took the Sultan and the people in his son's request, and he searched many houses and houses. They stopped s When the hero of the pregnancy separated the inheritance between his mother and his brother Jaafar, this book is sufficient, which is the book adopted by the Shiites tells us that there is no Mehdi waiting, that is not born to good Originally the military Hassan was not born. He therefore divided the good inheritance between his mother and his brother. Al-Hassan ibn Ali said that he died in 260 years and was buried in his house. He did not see any trace of him, and he did not know him. He was told by his sons. He said: What was revealed by his inheritance is his brother Jaafar and his mother, the mother of a boy. Allaah has an argument from the son of Hassan bin Ali, who is the guardian of his fatherHe was born and this was said by my nubkhti in the book of the Shia sects page 108. What are the beliefs of the Shiites who opposed the Sunni people or what are the beliefs of the Shiites who violated the Muslims? These beliefs are too many and I remember the most important ones here: The first question: Say the answer: Allah is Blessed and Exalted is the lie to say the return in his book Aziz mentioned in the case of the unbelievers (Said Lord Arjun. I do good while I left it is a word is said and behind them Barzkh to the day of resurrection) [Believers: 100.99]. The return has been lied to in his book Almighty, but we find that the Shiites say back. Al-Kallini narrated in al-Kafi on the authority of Ali - may Allah be pleased with him - that he said: "I have given the Sunnah the flag of the dead and the dead, the commandments and the separation of the speech, and I am the owner of the balls and his states, and I am the owner of the stick and the beast and the animal that the people spoke." Ghaffari: Balls, any rebounds to the world. We may recall the names of the imams as believed by the Twelve: Ali bin Abi Talib. Hassan bin Ali bin Abi Talib. Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib. Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, who is the one who adorned the worshiper Muhammad ibn Ali, who is nicknamed the Baqar. Ja'far ibn Muhammad is the one who is called sadiq. Musa bin Jaafar, who is nicknamed al-Kadhim Ali, who is known as complacent satisfaction. Mohammed is Mohammed al - Jawad. Ali Ali Al Hadi. Hassan bin Ali is nicknamed the military. Expected and has many titles, including absent, expected, fear and other titles that the title of the expected. Before I delve into the novels of Al-Kulini in Al-Kafi, I point out something very important: that all these narratives that I mention are lies to these imams. We denounce Ali bin Abi Talib, Al-Hassan, Al-Husayn, Ali Bin Al Hassan, Jaafar, Muhammad, Musa, Ali, Muhammad Al-Jawad and all those. We deny them these lies and we condemn Allah that this is a lie to them, and that they did not say such words, but the intention is that this is found in the books of the Shiites. Al-Kallini said in Al-Kafi that Jaafar ibn Muhammad, who is the sincere, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "God said to the angels that they stayed in the tomb of al-Husayn until they saw him and he went out and they cried and cried over him and for what you missed from his victory, you were dedicated to his victory and crying over him. If they go out to the world again, if they come out, they will be his supporters when the Mahdi is coming out, they also say that if the Mahdi comes out, all the former imams will come out with him. The first part is page 284. This is the view of the reaction A very great doctrinal machine is contrary to what you see in the Book of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted be He, the second matter, which is the saying that the companions of the Companions replied: Al-Kallini narrated in al-Kafi on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ali, who is al-Baqir, that he said: People were people of apostasy after the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Al-Rawdah from Al-Kafi Page 246. It is also narrated from Muhammad bin Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he said: The Muhajirun and the Ansar went only three and this is in the second part of page 244. Al-Kallini narrated in Al-Kafi also that Muhammad ibn Ja`far said: And they have a painful torment of those who claim that our imam is from Allah is not His, and whoever rejects an imam from Allah, In Islam, the share and inspiration of the conscience comes back to Abu Bakr and Omar, and it is alleged that Abu Bakr and Omar share in Islam does not talk to God and does not condemn him and has a painful punishment and this novel in the first part of the page 373. The third issue: But it did not stop at that, but all the other Shiites infidel and gave birth to adultery. Ibn Babaweeh, the head of the modern scholars, said that the hidden imam of the imam is more infidel than the devil, who denies the absent imam more infidel than the devil, and this is what he said in completing the religion. Adjective 13. Al-Kalini narrates in al-Kafi on Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir that all people are children of prostitutes, except for our Shiites, and this is in the Kindergarten. Page 239. Al-Kalini narrates in sufficient detail about the satisfaction that he said: It is not on the religion of Islam other than our Shiites. This is in the first part of the surah 233. Al-Kalini narrates in al-Kafi that Jaafar ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq said that the Shaytaan comes until he sits down from a woman, He said, "We love and hate us, who loved us was the sperm of the slave, and the one who hated us was the sperm of the devil." He said, "We do not know what the devil is." . This is what he said in the fifth part of Al-Kafi page 502. The imam of the Shiites said in his time, "The grace of God of Algeria: We do not gather with them any year on a god nor on a prophet or on an imam and that they say that their Lord who was Muhammad Nabih and his successor after him Abu Bakr We do not say that the Lord nor the Prophet, but we say that the Lord who created the successor of Abu Bakr is not our Lord and that prophet our prophet said this in the lights of Nu'man in the second part Page 278. Al-Hurri al-Amali said Mr. Naima Allah Algerian Fadhil scholar investigator Jalil Qadri. Al-Khansari was one of the greatest of our late scholars and the most glorified of our distinguished travelers, one of his time, in Arabic, literature, jurisprudence and Hadith! This is also said by contemporary Mohammed Tijani said: The Lord who is satisfied that Abu Bakr is the successor after the Messenger of God what we want this Lord and this said in a lecture in London and the tape exists. Ibn al-Husayn Ibn Musa said: The Shiites say that the Qur'an is distorted or the Shiites are saying that the Qur'aan is distorted. Ibn Hazm said: Al-Sharif Al-Mortada is the only one who has not been proven to say that the Qur'aan is distorted, as Ibn Hazm said. Naima Allah the Algerian, whom we translated to him soon, said: The news is touchedThis is what is said in Al-Nu'man Al-Nu'maniyyah, Part 2 357. He went to this free and universal saying: There is nothing wrong to translate for him. Al-Khansari said about him: . Al-Nouri said: "The virtuous world, the checker is the horizon of the modern, and the most complete of the Lord." He said: I know that the right that is not available for him according to the available news and others that this Koran in our hands has been signed after the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him some of the changes and dropped those who gathered after him a lot of words and verses, Our companions interpreters Kalayashi and Numani and Khorash and others is the doctrine of the most scholars of the latecomers and say Sheikh Sheikh Ahmed bin Abi Talib al-Tabarsi also called in his book of protest, has been supported by our Sheikh Baqir science of the people of the House in his book sailor lights and I still speak to the global clarity in the validity of this statement after tracking News And examine the effects so that it can be judged as a necessity of the doctrine of Shiism. This is in the mirror of the lights of the second introduction page 36. This means that saying the distortion of the Koran at the global freedom of the essentials of the doctrine of Shiism. Yousef Al-Bahrani said: "What is in this news does not belong to the clear and explicit reference to what we have chosen and the clarity of what we have said, even if the appeal to these narratives has been discussed in abundance and spread." And the Shaykhs and al-Naqabah, for my age, as the saying that no change and change is not beyond the good faith in the great secretariat, with the appearance of their betrayal in the other secretariat - the Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib - which is the most harmful to the religion in the Najaf dynasty. Page 294 Adnan al-Bahrani: Countless many have exceeded the frequency limit for It is not permissible to transfer the interest after the prevalence of saying distortion and change between the two groups - the Sunnis and the Shiites - and the fact that it is acceptable to the companions and followers and even the consensus of the right band Shiites mean that the Koran distorted and says the consensus of the right band and being a necessity of their doctrine, Ali bin al-Kufi said: The people of transport and the effects of the private and public have agreed that this is in the hands of people from the Koran is not the whole Koran, this was said by Nuri al-Tabarsi in his book chapter of the speech page 27. Sheikh Buhi Mashhoor student of Karaki: And the general that this Koran in the hands of Allen The book is not the whole Koran chapter of the page. 32 Nuri Tabarsi author of the separation of the letter of evidence on the distortion of the Koran and his excellence in some paragraphs adult, is meant to eloquence is very, very great and reaches the limit of miracles and the scorn of others, the absurdity of some verses. And this Nuri Tabrissi says at the beginning of his book entitled (Separation of speech in proving the distortion of the book of the Lord of Lords): This is a nice book and the travel of Sharif and is called, separating the speech in proving the distortion of the book of the Lord of Lords. I have mentioned many words in this book prove or claim the distortion in this book quoted some of them: First transfer the surah of the state claimed that the Shiites claim that the Sunnah or that the Sahaabah deleted this sura from the Book of Allah, "Those who fulfill the covenant of Allah and His Messenger in the signs of them are gardens of bliss, and those who disbelieve after what they believe by breaking their covenant, and what the Apostle has promised them, they will be thrown into Hell." They have wronged their nose And they disobeyed the commandment of the apostle. To say: "O Messenger of God, my warning, they will know the short of those who were on my verses and the rulers are exposed such as those who fulfill the era of I Jziatm gardens of bliss that God has forgiveness and a great reward and the highest of the righteous and Nnovh his right on the day of religion, we are unjust injustice and generosity to all your family And his descendants to Sabron, and their enemy is the imam of the criminals. Say to those who disbelieve after they believe that their request is the adornment of the life of this world, and hast hasten it, and you forget what Allah and His Messenger have promised you, and you have broken the covenants after their affirmation. We have multiplied the parables for you, so that you may be guided. Deleted owners Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and this was mentioned - the month of Ashob, a scholar of Shiites as well as the light of Tabarsi - and others. This is a verse in the Nuri al-Tabarsi, not as it is in the Book of Allah, Blessed and Exalted says: "He has what is in the heavens and what is in the earth and what is between them and beneath. "He also reminds her again:" God has no god but He does not take him for a year nor sleep for him in the heavens and in the earth and between them and under the world of the unseen and the witness. There is no one in His absence who is interceded with Him except with His permission knows what Between their hands and what is behind them "to say" they are immortal "and also read it on Abu Abdullah - peace be upon him -: He said: "You are the best imams." He said, "You are the best imams." This is also the surah of al-Ankhraah, which he says, but it came down from Abu Abd-Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). "This is some images of distortions and in a complete index in every sura of the Koran means from the cow to Surah Al-Sallas every surah male owner of this The Nubian Book of Tabarsi has its distortions. It remains to be known who Nouri al-Tabarsi isI say by distorting the Koran or a thousand this book in proving the distortion of the Koran as he claims? Abbas al-Qami, the author of the book of the surname and titles, said: Al-Tabarsi may call on our old sheikh the trust of Islam Haj Mirza Hussain ibn Muhammad Muhammad Taqi al-Nur al-Tabarsi The owner of the means is the same Sheikh of Islam and Muslims promoter of the sciences of prophets and messengers. "The Imam of the imams of Hadith and the men of his time in the late hurricane and of the greatest Shiite scholars and great men of Islam in this century. This one who composes a book and calls it the separation of speech in proving the distortion of the book, so they remind him and praise him! The fifth issue: The challenge to the offer of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family: Some may wonder how to challenge the offer of the Prophet peace be upon him, narrated from Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: traveled with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his family not "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) slept between me and Aisha. We do not have three quilts on the other side - one of them - the apostle in the middle and on his right hand on the left and on his left - Aisha. He touches the quilt from his waist between me and Aisha so that the quilt touches the bed beneath us, ie, the Prophet raises and leaves Alia and Aish In a single bed in one quilt, and this in the sailor lights Part 40 Page No 2. It is narrated in sufficient that if a man with a woman in one quilt to the extent of adultery, then tell Ali and Aisha that they were in one bed in one quilt under consideration The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his family. Saying with the intention: It is also one of the most dangerous things in the Shi'a belief to say that the beginning and the beginning is to show Allaah something that he did not know about. This is one of the beliefs of the Jews, as you know, as it will come. Al-Tusi said in his commentary on the interpretation of al-Qami: Shaykh al-Tusi said in al-'Udah: As for al-Bara, his truth in the language appears as it is said, the city wall appears to us, and it may be used in science after something that has not been harbored. Al-Kafi narrated on Zaraarah from Jaafar ibn Muhammad (who is the truth) that he said: "What is the slave of Allah in something like the beginning?" There is no doubt that the Shiites have grown up in their ummahs so much that they narrated from Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, He said, "By God, I was with Abraham in the fire, and I, who made her cold and peaceful, and I was with Noah in the ship, and I saved him from drowning, and I was with Moses, and I taught him the Torah, and I was with Jesus. The rug and ridiculed the wind "These in the lights Numanian Part I page 31 and the lights Numanian books adopted by the Shiites. Al-Kalini narrated in al-Kafi that Jaafar ibn Muhammad said: "We have knowledge of what was and what is to be done until the Hour." This is in the first part, page 239. Al-Kalini also says: Several of our companions on the authority of Ahmad bin Muhammad on the authority of Abdullah bin al-Hajjaj Al-Halabi said on the authority of Abu Basir: "I entered Abu Abd Allah and I said to him: I have made your fatwa, I ask you about a question. Here is someone who hears my words." Abu Abd Allah said, "Jaafar al-Sadiq, may Allah be pleased with him, said: Abu Muhammad Sal, what you seem to have said, I said, I have made your oaths that your Shiites speak that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is a supreme scholar, may God bless him and grant him peace. He said: "I said," I said, "You have made your hands and what is the League." He said: "A newspaper is seventy cubits long by the arm of the Messenger of Allah." (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions, from whom he was parted, and a line on his right is all halaal and haraam, and everything that people need for him until the earth is in the scratching and he hit his hand to me and he said to me, O Abu Muhammad, Ie, beating him with his hand and said this guidance, means the punishment estimated to exist I said this and all science is science and not that then silent an hour then The bridge and I and what we have Adrehm what I said the bridge and the bridge? He said, "A bowl of Adam, in which the knowledge of the Prophets and the Saints and the science of the scholars who went from the children of Israel, I said that this is the science, he said that it is knowledge and not that, then silent an hour and then said that we have the Koran Fatima peace be upon them, The Mushaf of Fatima said: A Koran in it like your Quran this three times, and God and what is in that said I said this and God science, he said: It is for science and what is then and silent for an hour then said: We have knowledge and God science said that science and not that said I said: What science said: What happens at night and day it is after the matter and the thing after the thing until the Day of Resurrection. This is enough in the first part, page 239. - "Saying three times your Koran," he said, "in other narrations, the number of his verses is seventeen thousand, and we all know that the number of verses of the Qur'an is six thousand and a few. Al-Kalini also narrated in the hadeeth from Abu Basir that Jaafar ibn Muhammad was asked a sincere opinion. Can you live the dead and defile the blind and the leper? He said yes. This is in the sufficient part I page 470. This book [religion between the liquid and the answerer] for the permissibility of the Imam Imam Musalh Hajj Mirza Hassan al-Harithi - printed in Kuwait - says: After asked the question: When the Prophet peace be upon him and his illness, He recommended to his brother and his cousin the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him): "If my holy soul is flooded with your hand, wipe your face, if it is washed away, and I know that the first one who prays on the mighty, then the people of my house, then the angels, then the best of my nation." Self-absorption and eating bThe hand of Ali - peace be upon him - and wipe it with his face and then what is the way of prayer Jabbar? He said: The soul here means the soul means my soul exits from my body, and I will see it by wiping out your face, and because its pure spirit is the best spirit, and the spirit of spirit is among the spirits. This is a good blessing if it is its human soul. -] It is transmitted from infallible to infallible after the death of each of them, which is the paid king who came in the best of us and in some of the novels are like the butter on the lips of the Imam at his death, and the Imam after the mouth and eat the same theological say this or the doctrine of the Shiites in their Twelve imams. The blood and money of the Sunnis: the blood of the Sunnis and their money is valid for the Shiites, but they are waiting for the right opportunity and a good example of what you read in the history books on Nasir al-Tusi as well as Ibn al-Alqmi and others. It was narrated that Dawood ibn Farqad said: I said to Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him): What do you say about the killing of the Prophet? He said: Halal blood, but I protect you if you can turn a wall or sink in water so as not to testify to you do, I said: What do you see in his money? Just Makedrt he said. Shaykh Husayn ibn al-Shaykh al-Asfour al-Zaraari al-Bahrani said in his book "The Psychological Courts in the Answers of Concrete Questions": Rather, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Prophet is the one who is not a Shia. What is said to them have a tooth or a father or father and this in the psychological courts Page 147. Therefore the imam of the Prophet: Abdullah bin Omar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with them. Al-Tusi narrated from Ibn Abdullah Jaafar that he said: Take the money of the tomb where it is found and pay us the five in the refinement of the provisions of the fourth part. Page 122. Khomeini said: "The strongest appendage to the people of war in the permissibility of what they took advantage of it and attached to the five" It is not only permissible to allow his money, but also what is mentioned here. Rather, it is apparent that it is permissible to take his money where he is found and in what way he should. : If you want to pray and pray, then accept from you, and do not accept them. I accept from them, and they are subject to Hajj and Hajj, so Allaah will accept most of them from you and do not accept them. Allaah will not accept prayer except for you, and no zakaah will be on you or on Hajj except for you, so fear Allaah. They see it as a truce only when this truce is over. Everything has ended, and this is said in al-Rawdah from al-Kafi, page 198. Al-Majlisi narrated that Abdullah Jaafar ibn Muhammad said that he was asked about what was expected if he came out. [The Jews and Christians] said: peace be upon them as the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and perform tribute on hand and they are small, I said: Who set you enmity? He said: No, O Abu Muhammad, we have not changed our country in the share that God has given us their blood when the establishment of our list, today is forbidden to us and that you do not tempt you, if our listener avenged God and His Messenger and all of us. And this in the seas of lights Part 48 Page 376. And narrated the Majlisi also from Jaafar ibn Muhammad that he said: What remained between us and the Arabs except slaughter and waved his hand to his throat and this in the seas of lights Part 52 Page 349. These beliefs that we find in the books of Shiites as I have now quoted you From where did those who condemned God Almighty believe that these beliefs or religion or the doctrine which is for the Shiites is a doctrine of fabricated religion took much of the religion of Muslims and take something of the religion of the Jews and something of the religion of Christians and something of the religion of the Magi and something of the religion of Hindus and Buddhists and others will come Now in the statement the roots of Shiites or Shia beliefs. The roots of these beliefs: First distortion: Where to distort them, you all know that God Almighty said in his book that the Jews and Christians have distorted the Torah and the Bible (distort the word after its places) and Shiites also passed you they convey the consensus that the Koran is distorted where they took Distortion? Of Jews and Christians. In the Torah: The Jews said that David - peace be upon him - saw a woman bathing and was very beautiful and was asked about the woman was said to be a woman Uriah, the name of her husband Uriya sent David - (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) He looked at a woman of donkeys who loved her beauty. He asked God to marry her and she had Baal, a woman of Metz JH wishes to marry her Vqs God says to her husband to death and then married Ishmael and this in sufficient part of the second page 311. for our audit doctrine for our audit said the Jews and the word of the Lord to Samuel: saying, I regretted that I have made Chadha king because he came back from me and has not carried out my repenteth !! God said, I regretted this, and in Samuel the first said, 15 And the Jews said, And the LORD grieved that he had done man in the earth, and was grieved in his heart. And the LORD said, I will remove from the face of the earth the man that man hath created with cattle and tanks and the birds of heaven. It was narrated that Al-Kulayni narrated in al-Kafi from Abu al-Hasan that he said: Yes, Abu Hashim, he appeared to God in Abu Muhammad after Abu Jaafar, unless he knew him, as he did in Moses after Ismail passed away. In the Enough Part I page 327. Reincarnation: Reincarnation of the spirits of previous religions, when the Brahmin b They said that if you were in the previous judgment, believing that they are neither, nor are we dying, or going back and forth, the spirits are not dead or change, but they are echoing in the heat on human heterogeneity.
Nasan. See what the Shiites say when visiting tombs and when the Baqeys themselves say to the family of the house there and still in the eyes of God, copy you in the hardness of every disinfectant and take you in the womb of disinfectants did not defile you ignorance [souls move as we transferred to you theological soul] Al-Kafi narrated that Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir said: He does not die from the sons of a house illiterate unless he is a mukh and zagah. This is in the sufficient part VIII page 232. I mean all those who die of illiterate and oppressed and this doctrine of reincarnation is not the doctrine of Muslims, but is as you saw the doctrine of Brahmin. The claim of selection: You all know that the Jews and Christians claim that God Blessed and Exalted them: (The Jews and Christians, we are the children of God and loved ones) [table: 18]. They also said: (And they will not touch the fire only a few days) [Baqarah: 80]. They said: "They will not enter Paradise except those who were Huda or Christians" [Al-Baqarah: 111]. What the Shiites said, the Shiites said: It is not on the religion of Abraham but the Shiites and this in the kindergarten of the adequate page 31. Al-Kalini told in the kindergarten of enough that a man asked bin Abi Talib about people and about the quasi-people and Nnsn - The majority - any other belonging to the sons of Islam and others and then said: (They are only Kalanam but they are the worst way) [Criterion: 44]. This is in the Kindergarten of the Kafi page 204. Al-Kulini also narrated in the hadeeth from Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir that he said: By God, Abu Hamza, that all people are children of prostitutes except for our Shiites. In the book of pagan beliefs in the Christian religion, the Chinese believe that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) "As for the Shiites, Al-Kulini narrated in Al-Kafi that Jaafar ibn Muhammad said:" Allah told the angels that they committed the tomb of Al-Hussein until they saw him, and he went out, and they vanquished him, and wept for him, and for what you have lost from his victory. You have been dedicated to his victory and blessing "The imams agreed that many of the dead should return," said Mufid, one of the most prominent scholars of the Shiites. Al-Hurri said: "We are commanded to acknowledge the return and its belief and to intensify recognition of it, the evidence and the visits and on Friday and all the time and this is said in the ablution of the prostration page 64. The doctrine of redemption: When the Christians are very famous that Jesus - peace be upon him - Whoever commits sin will be able to go to a priest from the pastors, and he will remember his sin and then his hand Then he says to him the pastor, then the priest said to you, "I have no money for you." He said: "The Almighty God is angry at the Shiites Vkhrni myself or above them and God Himself" This is enough in the first part page 260. Jihad: Jihad is forbidden to the Jews until the expectant Dajjaal comes out, when the jihad comes out, or when the Shiites in the era of the absence of the Crown The command and the authority of the era, God hastened his piety, is based on his guidance, and they are the jurists who adhere to the rules of fatwa and the judiciary The policy and the rest of the Imam - peace be upon him - but the beginning of jihad, and this said in the editing of the means part I page 482. Al-Kalini narrated in the sufficient about Bashir paint said to Abu Abdullah means Jafar Sadiq - may Allah be pleased with him - I saw in a dream I told you Fighting with a non-imam who is supposed to obey him is haraam, like dead, blood and pork, so I said to him, "This is in a dream." Abu Abdullah said: He is so. That is, after the dream as well, and therefore do not find them fighting with Muslims never did not support the Muslims in a battle never read the history if you like and this novel in the fifth part of page 23. Exaggeration: Christians exaggerated in Jesus - peace be upon him - even made him God with God Blessed and Exalted Do you exaggerate when the Shiites from where they took him? From the Christians, see Muhammad Hussein al-Kashif Cover: What he says about his ummah: O Kaaba to God that the argument of the property of him and his forefathers revealed his destiny, which created the things, but the atoms of the atoms that Flori said to you if not less than what you say in Christ Guardian yields: say After the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and recommended after Ali and recommended after Al-Hussein and recommended after Bin Al-Hussein and so on and so do not give up the world of the guardian of where they came this. Al-Bunkhti said: It is one of the Shi'a scholars who said that in the Shi'a sects on page 42 he said: A group of scholars from the companions of Ali (peace be upon him) said that 'Abd-Allaah ibn Saba was a Jew and he became Muslim. Otherwise he was superior to him. Joshua son of Nun after Moses - peace be upon him - said in Islam after the death of the Prophet in such an example.If these commandments or the Imamate after each imam must be a second imam recommended this taken from where? From Judaism as their scientist says Nebkhti: the confiscation of blood and money Others, which we mentioned in detail, were taken from the Jews and the Christians ... who praise the blood and money of the Muslims. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "God cursed the Jews and the Christians and took the graves of prophets and their messengers." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Fath al-Baari, no. 335, and Musallam, commentary on al-Nawawi, 5/12). Very much believe that God Almighty begins to look at the visitors of Hussein bin Ali - may Allah be pleased with them - on the eve of Arafa before his eyes toPeople of the situation ... Why? They said: Because these are the children of adulterers [ie, those who are in 'Arafah], and there are no children of adultery in this book. Volume II Part VIII Page 222. They narrate that Jaafar ibn Muhammad was asked about those who left the grave of al-Husayn without any excuse, A man of the people of Hell and this in the means of Shiites Part. Look at the tumah: Al-Majlisi mentioned that it is advisable with the dimension of receiving the grave in prayer and reciting the Kaaba! who says that? This Council in Bahar Al Anwar Part 100 Page 135. From this Council: Al-Bahrani Majlisi Sheikh Al-Islam in the Sultanate of Oman Isfahan is the head of the religious and secular leaderships that say that away from the tomb of Al-Hussein receives the tomb and Istabr Kaaba in prayer. Making the medium between people and between their Lord, Blessed and Exalted: says God Blessed and Exalted: (If I ask you my servants I am close) [Baqarah: 186]. There is no intermediary between him and his slaves, but when the Shiites there is a mode as the Christians, and they have taken this issue. This is a book between the questioner and the questioner. The question is: What is the ruling on one who prays and fasts and performs all the duties required of him to Allaah, without the tradition of a particular reference, but rather based on what he hears from the fatwas of all the imams of the Imamite Shi'ites, Answer: If a believer reaches the age of majority, he must imitate his faqih as a fair and diligent person, and he should work with his fatwa on the time of al-Ghaybah, and every believer should be wise. There is no work for those who did not imitate or accept his deeds. That is to say, without a mode of action that does not accept work, and therefore in the book of the doctrines of the Imamate, who did not reach the level of ijtihad, he must imitate a certain diligent life. Otherwise, all his worship is invalid and does not accept him, even if he prays and fasts and worships the length of his life. This is in the doctrines of Imamiyah. The question of backbiting: Shiites say that born Hassan al-Askari was born and missed and we are still waiting for him and this is called the absence, where they took this doctrine, and where they came from. In the book (fix the Prophets of Prophecy) that the Magi claim to have a living expectation of the remains of a boy (Phettsas) is said to him (Abchothan), and that in the great fortress between Khursan and China. And the absence of the Shiites is a complex upon which there is no dispute between them, so many of them said that Azza the famous poet, although he of the Kisani who believe in Ali and Hassan and Hussein and Muhammad ibn Hanafiyah said: The imams of Quraish and the right four, both Ali and three of his sons are the tribes are not invisible to them The tribe of faith and righteousness and the tribe of his absence Karbala and the tribe does not taste death driving horses by Major absent and did not see us for a time in a barrage of honey and water and this in the book difference between the teams page 28. They claim that he has children and offspring in the Green Island, but where is the Green Island? Science with God. Al-Tabarsi says: The best among the four books is like the sun between the stars, and if the fair hopes to dispense with the observation of one of the men of the bond that is deposited in it and his trustworthy heirs And obtains reassurance of its credibility and its provenness and validity, and this in the media means Part III page 532. Al-Hurri said: The owners of the four books and the likes of the witnesses said the authenticity of the conversations of their books and the confirmation and transfer of the assets collected on them if they were trustworthy accept their words and see them and transfer them means Part 20 Page 104. Sharaf al-Musawi said Abdul Hussein al-Musawi, sufficient and insight and refinement and not attended by the jurist frequent The validity of its content. As for some Shi'ites, it is not all true, as is now rumored. This is only to evade these Tawamites, which we have mentioned. Otherwise, this is Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din, one of their most well-known fundamentalist scholars. The author of the book is: Al-Kafi, the oldest and greatest, and the best and revised reviews review No. 110 and said Muhammad al-Sadiq al-Sadr in the book of Shiites Page 127: which is worth reading that the stand is that the Shiites, although grouped on the four books and the validity of all the stories. Ali Akbar al-Ghafari, the researcher of the book of the Kafi, said: The people of the imamate and the Twelfth Shi'a community agreed to prefer this book and to take it into account and trust in its experience and to make do with its rulings. They are unanimous in acknowledging the high degree and virtue of it as the pole that is in the course of the novels of the known trusts, And better than other origins of modern. Shaykh al-Mufid said: Sufficient is for the sake of the Shi'ites 'books and the most useful ones. - Al-Kafi' s Page 26 Sayed Kashani said: The kafi is the most honorable (ie, the books of the Shiites) and the most reliable and the most comprehensive and the most comprehensive of them. "We have heard from our sheikhs and scholars that he did not classify in Islam a book that equates to being delivered by the introduction of al-kafi." This is the book of the kafi, from which we transmitted all or most of the Shiite beliefs, It is also ok to remind you of some things In this sufficient, which you saw the praise of the Shiite scholars. Al-Kulayni said in the Kindergarten of Al-Kafi Page 193: On the authority of Abu Abdullah Jafar al-Sadiq, he said: "There are many domes for God, but behind your Maghreb, this is thirty-nine thousand Moroccans, a white land full of shave, lighting up its light, not disobeying Allah. From this and that, they refer to Abu Bakr and Omar. See how they do not know Adam and disobey Abu Bakr and Omar! Al-Qami said in his interpretation of his saying: "God struck an example for those who disbelieved the woman of Noah and the wife of Lot who were under slaves of our servants, and they were good." [Al-Tirmid: 10] He said: God is what about us by saying {VkhantahBut he does not talk about the woman Lot and the woman of Noah, but talking about Aisha and Hafsa, and this is why he said: And to limit the limit on Aisha, and Talha loved her when she wanted to go to Basra said to her so it is not permissible for you to go out without a mahram, . Rajab al-Barsi said in Anwar al-Yaqeen, page 86: Aisha collected forty dinars from treason and dispersed her against those who hated me. It is said that she slept with Ali in one bed, and in the Book of the Sea of ??Lights: that Ali came to the Prophet while he sat at Aisha and sat on the thigh of Aisha. And this is the interpretation of the interpretation of the words of Allah, may God bless him and exalted (and Muhammad is only a messenger has been accepted by the Apostles, if he died or killed) [Al-Imran: 144]. He said: By saying about Jaafar al-Sadiq: You know that the Prophet died or was killed, that God says if he died or was killed before the death, they were killed before the death poison. Means Aisha and Hafsa. These Shiites magnify their imams and make their souls theological and they know the unseen and behave in the universe and call their love and they do not like them in fact see what they see them. Al-Kallaini narrated in Al-Kafi, part 6, page 497, on the slaves of Allah al-Dabbaghi, who said: I entered a bathroom in the city (meaning a steam bath). (Peace be upon him) said: I said to him, "I do not know how to do it." He said: He said: No, if the tigress is strayed (meaning fat, fat, covering the awrah, you do not see anything), and narrate further in the surah. Part 6 Page 502: (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day does not enter the bathroom except with a mezuzar." I told him about yourself, he said, "Did you know that the noura had worn the 'awrah?" Al-Kallini narrated in Al-Kafi in the sixth part, page 501, on the authority of Abu al-Hasan, who said: 'Urah,' Uratan, Qubail and al-Dabbar. And in the narration: As for the commandment, it is covered by the elitans, but with kisses, put it in your hand. It is also sufficient that Abu Jaafar Muhammad al-Baqir said that he told the imam ten signs and that he knew that this imam had ten signs: "He is born with a sealed cleanser, and if he falls on the ground, he falls on his rest, raising his voice with the two testimonies. See also in the same page about Ishaq ibn Jaafar from his father: If the night you give birth to her appeared in the house light does not see him in the house of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him. Other than his father sees him. If he gives birth to him, he will give birth to him, and he will open up for him until he comes out of the square and turns around After he has fallen to the ground, he does not miss the qiblah, so he was in his face, and then sneezed three times, pointing his finger at the chastity, and he fell in love with his ass and his knees from above and below and with his hands and knees, and from his hands like a gold ingot of light. He was born on the son of Abu Talib, a messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went to him and saw him standing between his hand (at the same time as he was born in it). He says he saw him in his hands and put his right hand with his right ear. God read and said to him prayers of God and peace be upon him read: Read the Torah and Bible, Zabour and the Koran! Al-Kallini narrated in al-Kafi on the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib that the donkey of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to my father and mother: Look at my father. The ship went up to Noah and wiped on his shroud and then said to come out of the core of this donkey donkey mounted by the master of the prophets and their ring. Praise be to God, who made me that ass God seeker this book, which they said did not compose in Islam a book that equalizes or condemns him. Al-Kallini narrated in Al-Kafi in the fourth part, page 580, on the authority of Abu Abd Allah: He said to a man who did not visit the grave of Ali, but what I have done, if you have not seen what you have seen, you will not visit the prophets. Al-Kalini also narrated in Al-Kafi in the first part, p. 448, from Abu Abdullah (Jaafar al-Sadiq, may Allah be pleased with him) who said: When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was born, he stayed for days without milk, Saadia, and paid him. Abu Taleb is the one who shook the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Al-Kallini narrated in Al-Kafi, part one, page 464, on the authority of Abu Abd Allah, he said: "Husayn did not breastfeed Fatima or a female! The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to put his thumb in it, and he would have enough of it for the two and three days, so that the meat of Husayn would be from the flesh of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Why Hussein? Do not mention Hassan only a little, and why Imamah in the children of Hussein and were never in the children of Hassan? Imamate as you know in the children of Hussein, and everything for the children of Hussein and most of the ahaadeeth praise to Hussein, why? All this is because Husayn's wife is Sharhbano, daughter of Yazdgerd, and her son is Ali ibn al-Husayn. The Shiites say: The Hashemite tree met with the satanic tree, so they love Hussein and the sons of Husayn. Another Shiites say that the Sunnis have differences. They disagree very much. Look at what the Shaykh of the Tusi sect says about the Shaykh of the sect. He says: "Remember me, some friends, may Allah have mercy on us."
And the antagonism, so that it is hardly possible to agree on anything except by insulting what is contrary to it, and he does not deliver a hadeeth except in contrast to what is contrary to it. The last question is what is the rule of these? Do not you agree with me that those who condemn these things and those who say this saying that they are not Muslims, we have no right after this to say that those who said that these things are not Muslim, because these things are not the religion of Islam and that we are not entitled to say the doctrine of Shiites, Shiite religion. We do not deny the Shiites by their eyes. We do not care about this, but we are concerned that those who say this talk are undoubtedly not Muslims. Whoever believes in this belief, there is no doubt that it is not from the religion of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted in it, and see and hear the sayings of the scholars. Sahaabah is a kaafir with the evidence of Aya al-Fath (Muhammad is the messenger of Allah), and those who are hard with him on the infidels, are merciful among them, who see them prostrate themselves prostratingly, seeking forgiveness from God and their tenderness, especially in their faces, the effect of prostration. Yale plantation took out his fork Vazglh Fastwa on the market admire the farmers} [Open: 29]. Then he said what he said (to anger them) (did not say to anger them "their Lord" Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah and those with him (to anger them infidels) to anger them infidels This in the book of the Sunnah of the Part II 557. Imam Ahmad said: Who cursed Abu Bakr, Omar and Aisha, I see them on Islam, and this is in the Book of the Sunnah of Al-Khallal. Page 558 He said: Whoever insults a Sahabiah, I am afraid of kufr like the Rufidis. We do not believe that there is a Saqr from the religion. This is also in the Book of the Sunnah. Imam Ahmad also said: 82 Imam Abu Zar'ah said: If you see the man detracts from one of the companions of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family and peace I know that he is a heretical book of difference between the difference page 356 And Judge Ayad said, we cut off the ultra-Shiites by saying that the imams are better than the prophets, the words of the judge Ayad in the words of the judge, but I bring them to the rank of divinity and live and die and act in the universe and have knowledge of the unseen. It goes on the insight of Muslims that most of what we have presented in the door before him from the atonement of this sect of Shiites of different types of frank disbelief and trouble with the ignorance of the ugly does not stop the person who stands for them from the atonement and sentenced them Balmroq religion of Islam. This is said in a letter to him in response to the Shiites page 200. Imam al-Shawkani said: The origin of the call of the Raafidis Kiyad-Din and the violation of Islam and thus shows that every malicious rejecter becomes a kaafir Btkfhrh one of my companions, how to disbelieve all the companions and excluded individuals. This was said in the narration of substance on the hadeeth of Abu Dharr. Al-Alusi said that most of the scholars behind the river went to Kafr al-'Athiniya in the book of the approach of safety. Ibn Baaz said: The Shiites, who are called Imamiyyah, Jaafariyah and Khomeiniya today, are infidels who are excluded from the religion of Islam. After all this, there is no doubt that those who believe these beliefs are infidel. Some say the good Shiites now, we say we do not talk about individuals at all, but say as the imams of Muslims who believe these beliefs is an infidel. If a man came to us, he said, "I think this is what you said to him. You are an infidel after the argument is made. Of course, in some cases, you do not need to make an argument, because anyone who condemns this belief is said to be a kaafir. We welcome all of Dan Baddin God Blessed and Exalted and exalted and disdainful of anyone who violates this religion. This is God's knowledge and blessings of God to our Prophet Muhammad, and our last prayer that praise be to God of the worlds.
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