State of donkeys short story writer ashraf heikal - موسوعة - ashrafheikal elmoshakaes

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الجمعة، 14 أكتوبر 2016

State of donkeys short story writer ashraf heikal

Introduction of the short story
All the events of this story of the writer's imagination does not affect the reality of something and a warning to anyone who claims that the events of the story he lived or participated in, or any resemblance to the personal respect of any one therefore are for reference only
Our story begins on a bright morning in the palace of the king of the jungle, where as usual, comes out every morning and drank tea Aftarh in the palace garden and start its operations as a king
صور حمير حمير مضحكة جدا جدا رحلة في عالم الحمير Donkey picturesVhomlk son of the king of the dynasty of kings to the great grandfather
Ruled the country with an iron fist, where all matters of the country in the grip of his hand and his entourage, but does not prevent that there is corruption in the country, no one knows, or knows of King and country, but in economic terms it is of Ghanaian countries.
Before the fighting in Sirte story must know that the neighboring state of donkeys and the outside world countries
State of donkeys is located in the center of the world from the western side the State of monkeys, and beyond cow states, and the north side of swine pigs and the Greater State
Other trends and the south and west lies the rest of the cow states and then comes the cattle states,
State of the Apes is not a state but established by a decision of swine states to be a thorn in the back of the State of donkeys and bovine states, do not forget the disaster of the State of monkeys and Matlaha of Massaim hurt the rest of the cow states and accusing the king of the State of donkeys causing the loss of the war and corruption,
He was the king of the Kingdom of donkeys preparing Bstkabbal Crown Prince and his inauguration Crown Prince to him, the king was the Army is preparing the establishment of a coup it, and it was in this period there was a class of people, donkeys nominate themselves as a group of donkeys prosper, keeping piety slogan them and cooperated against the lion king original state and agreed to Aladahh King
And the sharing of roles between them and the army of the king, and the plots and events occurred between the successful and the Brotherhood of the king's soldiers and passed events, even the soldiers revolution on the Lion King on the morning the king was inadvertently
And left the people of the State of donkeys supports his soldiers to Adahh Assad, after consultations and injections of blood sided with Assad to the voice of reason and peace Kingdom of baby son Crown Prince things the country and went exiled to swine country, the army and took over the reins and the people of donkeys wraps around him, denouncing the corruption of The Lion King and his entourage, and issued important decisions affected on the country and the rest of the events of the neighboring countries, and the results of these decisions is the independence of the Kingdom of donkeys
One of the nation states pigs, and go through the years and the state of the Kingdom of donkeys turning into a donkey and conspiring against swine states and the state of the Apes, and Ataonowa in hit and occupation again, but did not last much occupation,
The role of the governor of the State of donkeys and stimulates his subjects, to withstand and to stand in his class and support the successful against the Brotherhood, who are exposed Guetaihm and appeared on their reality, and explained their goal and they were spoilers Brotherhood
Not prosper where the faith was and is obedient to Hamaarham, and pass events quickly accused of trying to kill a head of state and donkeys are caught on a large group spoilers Brotherhood is executed
It ignites and events go sour between the authority of the State of donkeys the one hand and between the State of pigs and donkeys countries in terms of
And the intervention of the State of donkeys in a war against the state of monkeys and lose them because of corruption and conspiracies against the state of donkeys,
The live state donkeys days and bad years and it dies of a head of state donkeys and remain the people of the State of donkeys oblivious to not understand what is going on around him and receive the head of another and takes care of the interests of the State of donkeys and within three years from the receipt of the reins of power, triumph over the state of the monkeys and out of the people from the darkness into the light, and go through the years and continues to develop State of donkeys as donkeys in the country and receive the reins of government donkey large shadow govern a country with donkeys utmost stupidity even the title of cow smileys remained ruled Aktar than 30 years, and the country from bad to worse and donkeys do not understand is eating only big ass spread corruption in the country and educate the donkey Sacred and fill the paunch and stomach and belly wife great ass that assets of the country's pigs were interference in the governance of the country of donkeys, sons of the great ass seeks in the land of corruption and mobilize their coffers with money donkeys,
Until it came on the fall of the great ass and ignite conflict on the chair, and is capturing the reins of government
By Brotherhood spoilers, they may add stupid over Alabt did last of the judgment is 12 months and fall because of their failure and stupidity and live country donkeys in chaos and poverty ... At the end of the story that we do not know the coming years hiding any given state donkeys Will remain state donkeys and does not come on wish Back the time of the Kingdom of The lion King

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